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Personal Training


Simple Ways to Update Your Fitness Resolution


Hello and Happy New Year all my fitness friends! 

It's that time of year again when so many of us decide to set big exercising resolutions. We get ambitious and when our goals are not met, or life gets in the way, we give up and decide we will try again next year. Maybe this year we should start small and work our way up to bigger and better things. Small victories are better than no victories! Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Invest in fitness DVDs, a gym membership, and/or fitness equipment that will enable you to reach your fitness goals.  
  • Set reasonable goals that you can actually reach, and build on. Have big goals (for example: My goal is to lose 30 pounds), but break them into smaller sub-goals (lose 5-10 pounds in my first month of exercising and adjusting my eating strategy). Use the SMART principle. 


  • Don't commit to an exercise plan that doesn't fit your lifestyle. You will reap the benefits of exercise no matter what time you do it, and be more likely to stick to your plan if it fits into your schedule.
  • Take the stairs or walk, rather than driving when you can. Imagine forgetting the frustration of finding the closest parking spot and realizing the fact that you just fit two small walks into your day! Small steps add up!
  • Lastly, don't expect immediate results and become discouraged. Do the best you can and take one day at a time.

I hope these simple tips give some ideas on how to get started on your fitness goals as we begin 2015. If you need further assistance putting together a Complete Personal Training program, we are here to help you get started and guide you every step of the way until you reach your fitness goals.



To your health!

DMP Fitness

Your Goals + Our Design = Get You Fit 

Darryl Perrilloux

Owner/Master Trainer
Mobile: 832-385-4853



How Do I Get a Wider Butt?

Today's Fitness Question of the Day comes from Chloee in Texas. She asks, "What can I do to make my butt wider?"

That's a very good question Chloee, albeit one that I don't get very often. Most women ask how do I get a bigger butt. I can give an educated guess that you probably have narrow hips.

Depending who you ask, there are anywhere from 3 to 7 different female body types. 



I won't go into details of each body type, but for purposes of this article, you're probably one of the following body types:

  • Inverted Triangle - Defined shoulders, narrow waist, and hips
  • Rectangle - Proportional shoulders, waist, and hips
  • Diamond - Narrow shoulders, big waist, and narrow hips

The width of your hips are largely genetic and beyond your control in terms of physical training. There are a few cases where women's hips do get wider:

  1. During pregnancy, women's hips loosen and get wider to make room for the delivery of a child. This change is do to hormones released during pregnancy
  2. A study conducted by Dr. Laurence E. Dahners at University of North Carolina showed that hip bones can continue to grow in men and women up until their 70s. The pelvic width of the oldest people in the study (ages 70 to 79) was, on average, about an inch larger than the youngest people (ages 20 to 29), according to the study.
  3. Cosmetic surgery

I suspect that you don't want to get pregnant, don't want to wait until you're in your 40s to have your hips get wider, and if you wanted cosmetic surgery, you wouldn't have asked me the question in the first place.

With that said, it sounds like you want the Triangle (narrow shoulders, slim waist, wide hips) look or the Hourglass (Defined shoulders, slim waist, wide hips) look.

There are some things you can do training wise to give the appearance that your have wide hips:

  1. A slim waist - achieved primarily through a proper eating plan and incorporating various abdominal exercises. 
  2. A well defined latissimus dorsi - developing tight lats will give you a v-taper appearance in the back along with a slim waist, will give you a nice waist to hip ratio and the appearance of wider hips.
  3. Chiseled  deltoids (shoulders) - especially rear deltoids complete the tight back look, along with the lats and abdominal, maximizing the appearance of wider hips. If wanting a Triangle look, focus less on the shoulders. 
  4. Continue to maintain a good leg routine - this kind of goes without saying but make sure your leg routine is on point. There's no sense in achieving the "wider hip" look by incorporating the tips above if you neglect your butt exercise and you start to sag!  Particularly good exercises for the butt will include deadlifts, hip thrust, long step forward lunges, forward sled pushes, and sprints.

If you keep those 4 points in mind and incorporate the exercises necessary to achieve that "wider hip" look you desire, I guaranteed you will maximize your potential and achieve that look in no time!


If you or any of my readers out there need some assistance on how to achieve the "wider hip" look or any other body composition goals, we are here to assist you. Contact us today! 


To your health!

DMP Fitness

Your Goals + Our Design = Get You Fit 

Darryl Perrilloux

Owner/Master Trainer
Mobile: 832-385-4853



3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Workouts Injury Free

Getting injured isn’t any fun.

You can’t train…

You lose strength.

Then, when you’ve healed, you have to 
ease your way back into training and spend
weeks or months just getting back to where
you were before!

What a waste of time!

Is there a better way?

Well, yeah



Bent-Over Barbell Row are Overrated & Better Alternatives

The problem with bent-over barbell rows are they get to the point that they can’t lift it anymore with their arms and back, you’ll notice their torso dropping to meet the bar, their lower back will start rounding, and they will experience fatigue in their hamstrings, glutes, and lower back....

Click the link to read more

