Once you have the instructions for moving your home gym equipment safely, you can start planning for where the equipment will go in your new home. Take note of the space needed for the equipment and identify how far each piece moves when you walk or run on it.
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Partner Post
(A 5:29 video and 2 MInute Read)
This week, I met with Sheila Minshall, Practice Representative of Katy Lifestyle Chiropractic.
We had a great conversation about how KLC serves it takes care of its customer's needs rather they be chiropractic, nutritionally, and spinal/posture testing.
KLC also gives back to the community; in particular, they raise money to help girls in need at the Upbring Krause Children's Center.
Read more about KLC products, services, and community activism here
A few weeks ago, I was doing some shopping at Sur La Table at City Centre.
I meet a nice gentleman by the name of Stephen Reed.
Stephen represents Loam Argonomics, a local sustainable farming business located in Richmond, Texas.
Loam Argonomics has mulitple drop sites throughout the city of Houston, including Sur La Table, so you don't have to travel all the way to their farm in Richmond to pick up your fresh produce and fruit!
If you'd like to read more about Loam Argonomics, check out our partner post here: